Meet The Team
Mission Statement:
Be hated - Be saved
Radio13.FM was established in 2021 for one purpose. To spread the word of God in our own way. Our mission statement for this endeavor is clear. Our ministry is based on Jesus' words in Mark Chapter 13 verse 13 which states "You will be hated by all for my name's sake but those who endure to the end will be saved!"
We will only play music that glorifies God and the other content that we have (and will continue to add) will fulfill that same purpose. We are not afraid to express our opinions and we will NEVER apologize for serving the one true King and for spreading the message. If it ever comes to pass where openly stating our beliefs are considered hate speech or by some stretch of the imagination, illegal, then by all means, let them come and get us.
We will play a variety of genres with a focus on bands you may not have heard before but bands you should be listening to.
Buckle up, hold on because it is going to be a wild ride. We are so glad you are taking this journey with us

Executive Producer(EP) / CFO / And possibly in line for Sainthood
If it wasn't for this one and her constant support, Radio 13 would simply not exist.
She is not only the face of the "Jules Block", but the inspiration. Even though she doesn't dig on metal, she still is in this endeavor 100% so at the very least, we needed to give her own special block of music.
Julie's passion for this ministry and her fight for The Kingdom is unwavering and without any reservations. She also probably has one of the most difficult jobs of anyone else that is involved in the station - putting up with me! I value her input so much and she makes me a much better person with her timely and much needed advice and counsel. She is the one person that I can bounce things off of knowing that I am going to get an unvarnished opinion whether I want to hear it or not.
While she has vowed to never be an on air personality, her behind the scenes contributions are unmatched. Jules is that person where a value cannot be placed upon for she is invaluable and irreplaceable. There are so many things I love about Jules (it could go on for a LONG time) but her constant support (and at times redirection) is something that I cannot do without.
She truly could be up for sainthood for hanging with a garden slug like me for so many years.
Love ya!!
Communications Director, VP of Media Affairs, COO, Tactful Response Coordinator, Editor in Chief and about seven other titles
Amber joined the station a few months into Radio 13’s inception at a time when we were questioning our decision to start / continue this ministry. A breath of fresh air could be one of the biggest understatements made on this page, but that is what she brought to the station. Amber’s dedication to the ministry of Radio 13 is one step beyond incredible. And while she mainly stays behind the scenes, (currently) her input, guidance, and advice, (mainly to correct me on the air) are the balance that we needed and is valued beyond words. Her quick-witted responses, with a twinge of smart-aleckness (it’s a real word) makes her a perfect fit in the multiple roles she has taken on and will be natural if we ever convince her to go on the air .
Being a devoted wife, mother and yet still having the time to be a managing partner of this ministry is the very definition of a Herculean (or would it be Amazonian?) effort. We are blessed to have her on the squad.
Favorite Amber-ism – “I have 7 kids, 2 dogs, and 3 cats… I cannot go to a concert in Indiana” - Epic

No Apologies
Writing a bio really isn't my thing, but given the fact that I am delving into uncharted waters on quite a few topics lately, I figured might as well jump in on this as well.
First off, I have a wife who has to be sent from God to put up with me for all these years especially the "early years". I am a very proud father of two great boys both and have wonderful wives that I truly believe were also sent to them by God and have three wonderful grandkids that we never get to see enough of.
I am unapologetic in my faith and beliefs and a self-described Radical for Jesus. (I haven't graduated to Zealot yet, but more to come) I firmly believe that we can do a lot better as a society but more important as believers. And in case you think I'm being judgmental, I include myself in that assessment as well. I am against any justifications given for taking the lives of the most innocent and will go to my grave loving Jesus.
A few years ago, me and a buddy, Jason, had a little show on a tiny little radio station in the Minneapolis area called Modern Apostles Underground. I found out then what my passion and ministry should be. I've been out of the game for a while but am so excited to jump back in full force. I love Christian music and usually lean to the heavier stuff. In fact, I dig the heavier stuff, rap, I'll throw a little Praise and Worship into the mix and of course the greatest music genre ever created, Rap-Core! Given the fact that I know the station manager, that style will definitely get some airtime.